I am so grateful to these friends and colleagues for their support. Their kind words mean more to me than any award.
Carla Pereira, APR
“Nicole’s comforting approach, commitment to equity and inclusion, and her expertise and professionalism make her an ideal candidate for the role of NSPRA President. Over the years, she has demonstrated a commitment to the organization and to the state chapters she has supported.”
Dr. Nora Carr, APR
“While Nicole has an impressive resume, and has won many well-deserved accolades at the state and national level, it is her integrity and willingness to advocate for the marginalized, under-served and underrepresented that have always impressed me.”
Kristin Boyd Edwards
“Throughout the past year, she has become like my #SchoolPR Fairy Godmother, continually offering advice and encouragement. Whether she is hosting a gif-filled Twitter chat, coordinating recognition programs and publications, developing forward-thinking presentations or generously sharing her communication tools with newbies like me, Nicole is a dedicated professional, advocate and servant leader.”
Rick Kaufman, APR
“Like all good leaders, Nicole is a student of the profession, willing to expand her knowledge and skills in all areas of school public relations, with particular emphasis in strategic planning, public engagement, marketing and crisis communication. I am confident Nicole Kirby, APR will provide the leadership our organization needs in order to keep pace in the ever-changing landscape of public education.”
Shane Haggerty, APR
“Nicole is an exceptional and thoughtful human being who would be an excellent President-Elect and future President of NSPRA. She is seen as one of the top communications professionals throughout the nation, and I am confident that Nicole will be a great asset to NSPRA once again and serve our membership well.”
Stephanie Smith, APR
“There have been many instances in which I have relied on Nicole in complex situations. Her interest in helping people is sincere and allows her to meaningfully connect with people. I have also had the opportunity to serve with her on the MOSPRA board. Nicole excelled at being a leader. She empowered our board to not only grow our organization, but to grow as professionals as well.”
David Luther
“Nicole has a keen eye and ear she uses in her decision-making process. She does not make major decisions based on a hunch. She considers multiple facets of a challenge or opportunity, reviews research, talks to knowledgeable and experienced professionals and then puts a plan in place.”
Cindy Jo Warner, APR
"One of the most exciting aspects of being involved with NSPRA is the relationships you build with people throughout your school PR journey, especially from attending the annual seminar. I am fortunate that one of those individuals has been Nicole Kirby. She is not only a great leader and PR practitioner, but she is a genuine person who recognizes the importance of truly connecting with others.”
Kala Morrissey
“Nicole models the NSPRA values as one of those members that says 'call me anytime and I will help' and truly means it.”
Trinette Marquis, APR
“The term servant leader comes closest to describing the way Nicole naturally leads in her district, in MOSPRA/NSPRA and the professionals lucky enough to call her colleague and friend.”
Bob Noyed, APR
“Nicole is the perfect person for the job. She has been involved with NSPRA for many years and understands where we have been. She has connected with and built relationships with colleagues from an older vintage like me. She is also connected with the younger, newer members and understands what they are looking for from NSPRA. She will be able to effectively lead us from ‘what is’ to ‘what can be.’”
Kristin Magette, APR
“She is as likely to be seen in quiet conversations with someone she’s never met as she is a large group of longtime friends and colleagues. She has a knack for listening with genuine interest and concern, and she is never, ever too busy to pause and help someone feel supported, guided, or simply more at ease. NSPRA’s effectiveness as a leader in the profession depends on people like Nicole, who connect people to both the school communications practice and the invaluable network of colleagues.”
Eileen Houston-Stewart
“I have had the pleasure of knowing Nicole for 13 years. She is a respected communicator at the local and national levels. She has an eye for recognizing and developing talent, and she is always available to assist her school PR colleagues. Nicole has a passion for public education and diversity. She is an ideal candidate for the position of NSPRA President-Elect. She is the kind of leader we need at this time.”
Melissa McConnell
“She inspires action. She fosters growth. She applauds success. Nicole Kirby is a leader NSPRA needs to continue the strong path forward that will keep our organization visible, vibrant, and viable.”
Frank Kwan, APR
“I know Nicole brings a deep commitment to NSPRA, and a clear understanding of what our organization can and should do for its members. Nicole has often guided NSPRA to use all the strategies and tools available to serve our schools and communities.”
Erica Chandler, APR
“As a school PR professional, a trusted strategic advisor, an inspirational leader, and as a generous colleague and friend, there is truly no one more deserving of leading NSPRA toward a bright and successful future.”
Brian Nicol
“I am excited to anticipate our national organization being influenced and led by Nicole. Truly, just as she has been in my career, she’s been influencing and leading us all along.”
Diana Gulotta
"I have known Nicole for more than 20 years and have enjoyed watching her grow and become a school public relations rock star. She is a strong advocate for the power of NSPRA and its members, and I am confident her leadership will guide our organization successfully through this unprecedented time."
Sheba Clarke
“Nicole has a unique ability to encourage school communicators to believe in the process and trust ourselves. She would be an exceptional choice for NSPRA president. As a colleague, mentor, and school communicator, Nicole's care and compassion are always on display. She is a consummate professional who takes time to listen and understand so that she can effectively serve.”
Tracy Jentz, APR
“She has generously taken on a role of mentor for me and has shared her hard-earned lessons and well-produced materials at a moment’s notice. Whether it is supporting colleagues going through Accreditation in Public Relations or providing insight into community engagement processes, Nicole’s influence on her colleagues is unmatched.”
Shawn McKillop, APR
“She is a tremendously hard worker who sets high expectations for herself. She has demonstrated leadership and mentored colleagues in school districts and in the public relations field to achieve their goals. It is truly an honour to support her for the position of president-elect.”
Monica Faulkenbery, APR
"Nicole excels at any task she is given. She has taken on multiple roles within both MOSPRA and NSPRA, and has shown that she has the ability to see the big picture. She is also someone who follows through with what she says she will do (and having served on several Boards across the state, this is an admirable trait), exercises good judgment, common sense and integrity in her decision-making, and her work ethic is exceptional."
Jim Cummings, APR
“For as long as I’ve known her — and that’s a LONG time — Nicole has been a ball of directed and purposeful energy. She is creative, sensible and focused. Nicole’s dedication to our profession and to NSPRA is unquestioned. She is always seeking ways to make school communications better and NSPRA stronger. She is quick to spot trends, and more often than not is ahead of them. Most importantly, Nicole sees the entire field and not just parts of it, and this is what defines her leadership.”
Ian Halperin
“Nicole has all the experience and energy to lead our organization. I am honored to support her bid for NSPRA president, and will proudly support her in this role.”
Melissa Robinette
“Nicole Kirby is EXACTLY the kind of leader NSPRA needs, who will bravely guide us and help us evolve into the future!”
Natalie Allen
"Nicole has a way of bringing people together and making them feel valued while ensuring buy-in on projects and plans. She leads with humility but can also make certain a job gets done and that she gets the best work out of her colleagues. Her collaborative approach to leadership with a focus on equity and inclusion leaves me no doubt that she would bring this already stellar organization to a new level of excellence as the next NSPRA president."
Kathleen Kennedy, APR
“She is perfect for the role of NSPRA president. She embodies all the qualities and characteristics of a leader that our organization needs and deserves.”
Julie Thannum, APR
“She approaches problems and projects using the four-step process: research, planning, implementation and evaluation. But more importantly, Nicole is personable and relational. She invests time in people and NSPRA is fortunate to have someone like Nicole who makes members a priority. I have no doubt that Nicole will make a great president for NSPRA, providing just the vision and stability our association needs during a critical time of transition and change.”
Jim Dunn, APR
“She has developed personal relationships with NSPRA members in every region, she has been a leader in NSPRA’s efforts to support diversity, and she is a skilled problem solver. Most significantly, Nicole will drop everything at moment’s notice to help a colleague or school district in crisis. I know this first hand!”
Jill Filer
“Nicole is always growing, learning and looking for ways to get better at her craft. She consistently uses RPIE to strategically change and improve her district’s communication efforts. She has surrounded herself with a team that has become as respected as their leader. The Park Hill communications team is a reflection of Nicole - innovative, strategic, respected and approachable.”
Chris Tennill, APR
“Many of Missouri’s veteran school PR pros, including myself, credit Nicole’s leadership as one of the key turning points that helped make our organization such a strong voice and source of support for public relations practitioners and superintendents throughout the state.”
Carol Fenstermacher, APR
“Her wisdom, calm demeanor, heart for the work and experience make her the perfect person for NSPRA President-Elect. I know she will help guide and shape the organization for a bright future.”
Evelyn McCormack
“Nicole is a caring, open-arms individual who also happens to be smart as a whip. She knows school public relations inside and out and is not someone who has lost steam over the years.”
Kelly Wachel, APR
“We will always have difficult conversations in our school community. It’s the leaders who help navigate them with respect and professionalism that have influence on the conversation’s success. Nicole is a leader who we would like to mirror in these situations.”
Barb Nicol, APR
“As a 20+ year NSPRA member and frequent NSPRA seminar attendee, I’ve known, seen and heard from many NSPRA presidents. If chosen, Nicole would rank among the very best of them.”
Dane Dellenbach
“She cares about other people and the School PR profession and sacrifices her time to show that care. On top of being a great leader that helps others selflessly, she is a top tier practitioner and is known and looked up to for her work. People seek her out because of the results she gets.”