
Why I’m Running

I would like to be the next NSPRA president-elect because I owe a lot to this organization, and it is time for me to give back.

This is a critical time of transition for NSPRA, particularly because we are looking for someone to follow in the footsteps of our retiring executive director. At the same time, our members are navigating times of change and uncertainty.

I am well suited to take on the leadership of the board during this moment, with a focus on equity and a priority on strengthening our support network.

I know school PR and school PR professionals.

After 21 years in the trenches of school PR for the Park Hill School District, I know the day-to-day challenges of a school PR pro. Nobody knows it all, but I’ve earned the right to call myself a veteran.

I have experience with transitions.

I am working for my fourth superintendent. As I navigated very different situations each time, I learned what needs to happen to make an organization successful during the transition.

I have experience serving NSPRA.

I manage NSPRA’s member blog, I’ve volunteered, I’ve served on committees, I’ve presented. But most helpfully, I served on the board, so I will hit the ground running.